WCM Attorneys | Results Speak for Themselves

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Wade Clark Mulcahy

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Partner Participation

A partner reviews all substantive correspondence, letters and reports to our clients, and reviews every dispositive motion before it is served and filed.

Prompt Communication

We respond to our client’s telephone calls or e-mails within 24 hours, if not sooner. Clients are immediately advised of arbitration dates, mediation dates and trial dates. Clients should never have to ask twice for anything. Top quality service to our clients is our shared vision.

Result Driven Strategies

We are not file processors or paper pushers. Our focus is on the end result and we execute a strategy designed to achieve our client’s goal. Every call, every letter, every analysis of every document in the file, and every discussion with the other side is undertaken as part of our mutual strategy.

Attorney Accountability

Files are not shuffled from associate to associate. Whenever possible, the assigned attorney appears at the deposition or substantive court conference. When that cannot happen, our attorneys are still prepared to be the “answer person.”